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  2. Apple Inc. - Wikipedia
  3. Apple Os Support

Apple is telling anyone who still uses an iPhone 5 to update it to iOS 10.3.4 before November 3 or face losing some of the smartphone’s core functionality. The advice is linked to a GPS time. MacOS is the operating system used by Apple Macintosh computers. Here we examine History of macOS, from beginnings to now. 1 Pre-System 5 1.1 Macintosh System Software 1 1.2 System Software 2 2 System 5 3 System 6 4 System 7 4.1 'System' designation 4.2 Performa Systems 4.3 'Mac OS' designation.

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Facts about Apple Computers talk about one of the most popular computer brands in the world. It becomes one of the reputable computer companies in the world. The company called Apple is established with the partnership of three people. Those are Steven Paul Jobs, Steven Gary Wozniak and Ronald Gerald Wayne. Jobs passed away in 2011. Let me show you more facts about Apple Computers in the following post below:

Facts about Apple Computers 1: the apple logo

The apple logo is very well known in the world. Ron Wayne created the first apple logo in 1976.

Facts about Apple Computers 2: Apple Computer, Inc

Do you know that Apple was called Apple Computer, Inc for more than 30 years since the first establishment of this company? But the name is changed into Apple, Inc. to expand the products that the company sold in the market since 9 January 2007. Check out another company in Alibaba facts.

Facts about Apple Computers

Facts about Apple Computers 3: the first computer

The Apple 1 was created in 1976. It was considered as the first Apple computer. This computer was only an assembled circuit board. It did not feature any case, keyboard or even monitor.

Facts about Apple Computers 4: the Apple II

The next generation of the early Apple computer is Apple II. On 16 April 1977, this computer was introduced to the market. It was very popular as a home computer at that time. Another big company is explained in Amazon facts.

Facts about Apple Computers 5: the expansion

Apple is not only a computer company. It expands the sales of the products to iPhones, iPods and iPads.


Facts about Apple Computers 6: the first portable Mac computer

The first portable Mac computer was the Macintosh Portable in 1989.

Facts about Apple Computers 7: the commercial

The commercial of Macintosh was introduced in 1984. The commercial depicted the Apple showcased by a young and female rebel which was against the Big Brother.

Facts about Apple Computers 8: the revenue

The revenue for the sales of Apple computer is not bigger than the revenue generated by the sales of the handheld devices and music of Apple.

Apple Computers Facts

Facts about Apple Computers 9: Steve Wozniak

Apple Inc. - Wikipedia

Steve Wozniak is often called as Wizard of Woz or Woz. This man built and designed the first Apple computer. He left this company in 1985 and established his own company.

Facts about Apple Computers 10: the most expensive laptop

The most expensive laptop ever by Apple computer is Macbook Air Platinum. It is sold in the price at $486,616.

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Apple Os Support